Oswald release notes
2.4.0 - 2021-03-04
Fix image in password reset
Fix deleting code snippets
Fix Relatively large images result in error when getting the response
Date recognition improved
Fix context entity not always adding to rule score
Fix tags added manually in takeover interface not showing up when filtering
Fix counts in takeover interface
Fix empty slot filling text still triggering slot filling
Fix end hour for statistics not taken into account
Fix currently selected session not always shown in takeover session list
Fix messages sometimes not removed during of anonymise
New user interface design for the admin frontend
Changed google actions integration process
New Oswald SSL certificates
Improved responder speed
Takeover interface filter and sort improved
Extra monitoring on internal services
Extra types of custom charts
Removed response message charts in favour of journey roadmap
Facebook changed/limited some of its APIs, coping with this: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/messenger-platform/europe-updates
Allow both positive and negative feedback on messages in widget
Allow deleting chatbot tags
Allow setting a message after time from a code response
Allow publishing the widget config only, without disturbing the other parts of the chatbot
Allow sending messages to the test version of the bot from the 'test widget' interface
Added a button to get a link to the conversation from the 'test widget' interface
Allow using google account linking for google actions
Payconiq integration now possible
Automatic issue detection for chatbots (e.g. too few training sentences, broken link detection, unused intents, ...)
Allow defining Oswald session cookie in widget settings
Allow playing audio on new conversations or messages in takeover interface
Command for message after takeover
Allow sending files from takeover interface
Show count of active conversations in takeover interface
User journey roadmap
Auto discover links in agent messages when sending them to the widget
Visually indicate new activity in the session list
Allow merging intents
Allow warning user when typing a long message in the widget that the bot might not understand
Expose currently open webpage to code responses
2.3.0 - 2020-11-23
Auto-scroll down in takeover when new messages arrive
Missing translations
Fix short input field
Recompute confusion matrix when language changes
Synonyms were sometimes not updated for entities
Various improvements to socket stability and reconnects
Fixed unanswered and takeover counts in statistics
Improved performance and stability of fetching and saving scenarios
Fix unanswered messages remains pending
Google actions reworked to match new API
Changed title messages distribution to conversation length in statistics
Split unanswered and no-intent found lists in train
Added totals in charts
Clean up empty sessions (without user interaction)
Show value of entity in default chatbot language when viewing other languages
Allow routing requests to Zendesk based on the url
Show agent name in Zendesk
Clustering unanswered questions
Allow downloading and replacing training sentences for single intent
Explain intent feature
Slot filling for scenarios
Allow sending event to chatbot when user clicks link
Allow auto-translate of entities and scenarios (Google Translate)
Allow tagging based on current url
Tag conversations based on endpoint (api, messenger, google actions...)
Allow warning user when typing a long message
Allow filtering statistics page based on tags
2.2.0 - 2020-09-16
better handling of spécįåł characters
improved rearranging of quick replies
fixed a bug that sometimes prevented confusion matrix to be computed when working with multiple languages
chart with all tags in statistics has been removed and replaced with custom charts following up on any combination of tags
allow forcing a start command to be sent, even if there is a recent history in the conversation
changes to the Zendesk integration for more configuration options
added access to the chatbot menu from the main title bar
show date and time of unanswered messages, allow better filtering on them
file entities have been removed, replaced by regular entities
made browser notifications for takeover requests clickable
reduced needless http calls done by the widget
allow combining any sort of vectorisation
statistics page revamped
reduce amount of calls necessary to save a scenario
use new google actions way of working
twilio integration improved
clearer takeover status in widget
allow automatic anonymising/removing of messages
allow publishing some integrations separately without publishing bot
allow viewing unanswered messages from statistics
allow adding multiple rules for activating a response, e.g. intent is "hello" or intent is "help"
added regex entity values
added time presets in the statistics page
added secrets in addition to environment variables
added automatic versioning of chatbots
added tracking of end of chat
added a change log of user actions performed on the chatbot
made browser notifications for takeover requests clickable
added widget style templates to choose from
added a message to be shown for unsupported browsers
make it clear in takeover when a user is no longer in the chat
visitor distribution charts for scenarios (beta)
allow quick "assign to me"/"assign to bot" in takeover view
show quick replies in scenario editor
show message distribution per hour in statistics
allow file upload in chat conversations
allow cross-language training (beta)
microsoft teams integration for takeover (with video call) (beta)
microsoft teams integration as a user channel
google storage integration for storing files
allow users to end takeover from the widget
2.1.0 - 2020-02-18
Fixed the order of entities not being consistent if the same entity occurs multiple times
Adjusted database indexes for performance
Improved character vectorization
In case of commands (not_understood, error), keep the original input in the bot brain for better debugging
Improved performance when rendering large scenarios
Fix confusion matrix sometimes not computed
Improve handling of large user input
Only retrain affected language when edits happen
Remove automatic start message from statistics
Don’t automatically leave scenario on save
Show time of message in takeover separately and allow filtering on that time
Don't automatically apply intent/entity search to their sentences/values.
Added release notes
Allow to send message after a certain amount of time
Allow code responses to add/remove entities or intents to the context
Allow reordering quick replies
Improve highlight of selected conversation in takeover
Better overview of unanswered questions with filtering
Show response usage statistics in scenario editor
Enable hybrid cloud setup where responder is local to customer installation but chatbot uses Oswald Saas
Allow debugging of code responses on local machine
Allow sentence embeddings as vectorisation
Allow libraries to reuse parts of a chatbot
Allow cmd-s or ctrl-s to save a scenario
Allow code responses to import code snippets as libraries
Allow search of response content (messages and code responses)
Allow quick switch of scenario using a sidebar
Automatically add tags for not_understood and error message
Allow configuration of widget script parameters in the tryout page
Last updated
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